Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Preview: David Tort - One Look [Axtone]

So if you have bought a copy of 'Axtone Presents: Volume One' you would have heard a track called 'David Tort - Something 'Bout You (Axtone Volume Edit 1)'. I always loved this track and wondered why it was never released as a full track! On the 22/01/2011, Axwell made a post on twitter stating "Almost done with the next Axtone record by David Tort... It looks like this [Image Link]". From reading the title name from the picture from the Logic software, I would take a guess that the track will be 'David Tort - One Look (Axwell & Dimitri Vegas Remix). So then I heard that Sebastian Ingrosso had played the same track on the same day but it sounded a lot different. When listening back to the video below, I can't figure out if its an edit, a mash up or the new version. Anyway, for me this is going to be one of my favourite tracks this year guarenteed, fingers crossed it comes out before the summer!

More info about Axwell on his facebook, twitter and soundcoud.
More info about David Tort on his facebook, twitter and soundcloud.


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