Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Julian Jeweil - Polaroid (Sebastien Leger Remix)

The last years, Sebastien Leger is a big disappointment for my taste. I used to love Leger's work but his lately stuff is very low in my opinion. Until today when I listened his brand new remix for Julian Jeweil's track 'Polaroid'. I have really long time to feel so excited for a Leger track, great funky-groovy beats with a techy sound, a truely monster. It was released today 15/12/2010 together with the Original Mix on his own label Mistakes Music and you can buy it on beatport.


Alex said...

awesome track!

can u upload green velvet - flash (Nicky romero remix)?

t0ny3 said...

I already have it but I don't like it to make a post. Here is the link:

Anil said...

track is sick

PeterSpartan said...

I completely agree when you say he was a dissappointed for the past few years,will give this a listen!

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